A journey of life with Deafness,Cochlear Implants and a mitochondrial condtion.
Welcome To My Blog...
There has been happiness and tears but I've come through it all with my family and my friends.I'm profoundly deaf as a result of a condition called Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions or mitochondrial disease RRM2B as my professor Sir Dough Turnbull calls it! I have had since birth but I didn't find out this til I was 19. I have had 2 cochlear implants (at the age of 8 and then i lost the 1st cochlear implant in my right ear after 7 years due to a bad, accruing ear infection (which I couldnt fight off because of my mitochondrial condition) at the age of 15 and had a 2nd one implanted in my left ear that same year which I have now.
My Story
28 December 2009
So fast...
24 December 2009
21 December 2009
Snowy Feet brrr...
14 December 2009
Silly hospital confusions...
11 December 2009
Shake, Shake...
6 December 2009
5 December 2009
1 December 2009
Funny CI moment...
In spirit of Xmas..
29 November 2009
My eye situation.
25 November 2009
Swine flu jab...
16 November 2009
Nursing a chore...
Every Monday since I got the new button PEG i have to get up early to see the nurse that comes and changes the water in the balloon in the PEG which has to be done due to the saline water evaporating. The nurse is teaching my mum how to do the saline water so that she can do it and the nurses dont have to come so often which i will be glad because every time they come round they make me think i'm this ill person which I'm not where my mum and the nurse get ov bags of medical stuff that mum keeps. Things like the water syringes and the creams and the tubes for my PEG. it can feel a bit endless sometimes but I know the nurses are only for a short time. Im not looking forward to getting my PEG changed after Christmas in January. The nurses assure me it’s not as bad as having the tube PEG out (which by the way was horrendous) I'll believe it when it’s done ha ha. I'm glad to get out of the house after christmas too when I get to go back to my volunteering. I hope Christmas doesn't take it's toll on me and I want the holidays to last!
For now I'm keeping busy with the tapestry!
9 November 2009
My Pro/Cons and rules for the cochlear implant...
4 November 2009
Gloomy days...
1 November 2009
knitted character...
25 October 2009
Update on the new PEG...
21 October 2009
The difference in PEGs...

The newcastle PEG part two...
The Newcastle PEG part one...
18 October 2009
Newcastle awaits...
11 October 2009
Not long now...
8 October 2009
5 October 2009
My opinion on a CI YouTube video...
This is the video
29 September 2009
Groundhog Day...
28 September 2009
The date...!
24 September 2009
It's all happening...
18 September 2009
17 September 2009
16 September 2009
Can it get any worse...?
- why am I not getting looked after properly by the NHS?
- why am I not getting the proper aftercare after my PEG operation, etc check ups?
- why did i not get my PEG changed after 8 months as rules say?
- why do my NHS hospitals always wait til the worse senario before finaly doing something about it??
Now i have an infection with bad skin round my PEG which i have had for weeks because no one has been keeping an close eye on my PEG situation. which makes me so mad that I have to go through this pain in my PEG coz the NHS doesnt have the proper facilities to look after a bloody PEG?? My mum has been looking after it for me, if she can do it, why isn't there any one proffessional out there to do it to keep an eye on it if there maybe an infection on the way? I have a lot of Qs and no ones giving me answers?! its got me cheesed off that I should't have got this infection if someone was keeping an eye on my PEG and making sure everything is ok with it!
How rubbish is it that I've not really seen a PEG nurse in the 2 yrs when I first got my PEG and then nothing til i started getting my infections!
I am angry and i want answers!
14 September 2009
Cochlear Implant meet up...
8 September 2009
Silver Patch...
2 September 2009
Busy Times...

On my medical note, my peg is looking better after having some dressings and special cream on my peg site. It could look even better after some more dressings i guess, and faltten that wart type ball that was growing out of my PEG site. I spent the night being woken up by my parents and my brother because the feed pump kept beeping! I had enough of it by 3am and told them to just turn it off! Only to be woken up early by mum in the morning because the nurse was due to come so I got nooooooooo sleep whatsoever!
I am still waiting for a date for my "button" peg procedure which might be a couple of weeks. Apart from that just lots of flopping about!
28 August 2009
27 August 2009
Button or no button...?
26 August 2009
Recovering and Article...
24 August 2009
Cosy day...
22 August 2009
21 August 2009
Hospital Part 2
I was given antibiotics and fluids through a drip and could only sip water through a straw, My tests were sent off and would be back in a couple of days. I was also sent for an ultrasound because my stomach swelled a bit due to all the fluids I was having. so my stomach looked hugeeee! I was wheeled to the ultrasound and it was found
Another ride in an Ambulance part 1...
17 August 2009
Down and out (again...)
12 August 2009
5 August 2009
Exciting times...
25 July 2009
Anger at "no cochlear implant" facebook group...
24 July 2009
No batteries...!
15 July 2009
Yet another blow to the PEG...
12 July 2009
Piano Guy...
2 July 2009
Hot, Hot, Hot...
26 June 2009
Whisper shh...
24 June 2009
Because it was soooo sunny, my eyes were almost closed due to the brightness! I'm a bit blind when the sun is that bright and I cant see where I am going...
Also today, a kid in the class I was helping in went "BOO!" in my cochlear implanted ear right in the microphone! Just above all the class room hustle and bustle, I heard him and turned and he went "scared ya" hehe :) bless him! If he had done it in the unimplanted ear, i'd never have heard him!
So this afternoon of fun. frolics and sun, I am so tired! The sun really make my eyes hurt at times when I'm out in open sunshine a long time which I think is because my eyes are so small and the fact they are droopy and not letting much in so when I'm out in bright sunshine, it really hits me and my eyes automatically try and close because it's so bright! Apart from the sore eyes, I had a good afternoon and I intend to have a goooood sleep in! Zzzz....
22 June 2009
On another note I had a good day at the school where I volunteer. It was nice just sitting on the grass hearing all the kids cheering on their teammates in a race!
21 June 2009
Happy Father's Day

15 June 2009
PARTY!...or not...
3 June 2009
- It will give me a better quality of life
- Maybe my eyesight will be better (less double vision)
- No more droopy eyelids
- I won't have people asking why I look tired
- My eyes have been sore because I'm straining them what with having to keep them open and my eyelid muscles not being strong enough to keep them open. (hence the droopiness)
27 May 2009
How my 15 year CI review went...
17 May 2009
My 15 year cochlear implant review...
11 May 2009
10 May 2009
I wish...
- I wish my weight would stay stable at 8 stone 3 as I've dropped down to 7 st...
- I wish the last few years hosptial wise never happened...
- I wish I didn't have to make the decision whether I should have this eyelid lift procedure...
- I wish that in the future there will be a moment where I'll actually think I am going to get my PEG removed...
- I wish that I could eat a whole variety of foods and wasn't fussy as hell, life and teatime would be so much easier...
- I wish my brother would talk to me more...
- I wish I was a kid again, because I coped so much better with hosptial stuff