Welcome To My Blog...

This blog follows my journey of 2 different cochlear implants and my condition: Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions I have started this blog 15 yrs too late but ill try my best to fit it all in! I have packed a lot of medical jargon into my life since I was 8.

There has been happiness and tears but I've come through it all with my family and my friends.I'm profoundly deaf as a result of a condition called Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions or mitochondrial disease RRM2B as my professor Sir Dough Turnbull calls it! I have had since birth but I didn't find out this til I was 19. I have had 2 cochlear implants (at the age of 8 and then i lost the 1st cochlear implant in my right ear after 7 years due to a bad, accruing ear infection (which I couldnt fight off because of my mitochondrial condition) at the age of 15 and had a 2nd one implanted in my left ear that same year which I have now.

My Story

2 August 2008

On the hospital ward...

I was wheeled into a ward in the hospital, in my own private room. I was now able to view my phone where I had dozens of messages from my friends. I was also very glad to look online on the TV they had at hospital and watch TV too. I missed my internet browsing as I always talk to my friends on MSN messenger.
After 6 weeks in intensive care, I was now able to have my first proper bath on the ward where my mum helped me. I was careful not to get my tracheotomy dressing wet and my PEG site was fully healed up so that was fine.
My parents took me outside for my first breath of fresh air since I went into hospital. They put on my new comfortable dressing gown and they wheeled me out in a wheelchair. It was a nice sunny day and we went to the front of the hospital on the grass and had the nice warm sun on my face. It was nice to get out of hospital after being laid up for so long. I began to walk around a lot more although my PEG pump on a stand had to come with me! The PEG would only be put on over night when I arrived home.
Again, I got bored and fed up of being in hospital, it wasn’t easy watching TV without any subtitles but I felt very lucky to be alive after the near death experience and counted down the days til I was out of hsoptial.
In the middle of June 2007, after a week of being on the hospital ward, I was finally allowed home. With instructions on how to work the PEG pump, we set off home.

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