A journey of life with Deafness,Cochlear Implants and a mitochondrial condtion.
Welcome To My Blog...
This blog follows my journey of 2 different cochlear implants and my condition: Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions I have started this blog 15 yrs too late but ill try my best to fit it all in! I have packed a lot of medical jargon into my life since I was 8.
There has been happiness and tears but I've come through it all with my family and my friends.I'm profoundly deaf as a result of a condition called Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions or mitochondrial disease RRM2B as my professor Sir Dough Turnbull calls it! I have had since birth but I didn't find out this til I was 19. I have had 2 cochlear implants (at the age of 8 and then i lost the 1st cochlear implant in my right ear after 7 years due to a bad, accruing ear infection (which I couldnt fight off because of my mitochondrial condition) at the age of 15 and had a 2nd one implanted in my left ear that same year which I have now.
There has been happiness and tears but I've come through it all with my family and my friends.I'm profoundly deaf as a result of a condition called Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions or mitochondrial disease RRM2B as my professor Sir Dough Turnbull calls it! I have had since birth but I didn't find out this til I was 19. I have had 2 cochlear implants (at the age of 8 and then i lost the 1st cochlear implant in my right ear after 7 years due to a bad, accruing ear infection (which I couldnt fight off because of my mitochondrial condition) at the age of 15 and had a 2nd one implanted in my left ear that same year which I have now.
My Story
28 June 2012
newcasltes new MITO website!...
We got the newsletter from newcastle hospital today and it had pics of the mito info day i can just make out my mums back n my head and my dads head hehe cant wait to see the new website and the videos on the mito website!!!!
24 June 2012
music.... to my ears,...
i have been hoping for so long to get a audio cable that i can listen to music AND listen to what is going on aaround me and its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i was sooooooooo pleased ive been listnening to the radio on my phone and the laptop and i had a try of my brothers ipod!!
it was sooooooooooo cool! hehe
cant wait to get my own ipod now for my bday! on my last ci processor the 3G i had a audio wire that wuold only listen to music NOT what is going o n around you as it can be a little dangerous esp if ur out and about and dont know what is going on around you. The road or some rapist creeping up on you at night time! Either way im so glad! ha
it was sooooooooooo cool! hehe
cant wait to get my own ipod now for my bday! on my last ci processor the 3G i had a audio wire that wuold only listen to music NOT what is going o n around you as it can be a little dangerous esp if ur out and about and dont know what is going on around you. The road or some rapist creeping up on you at night time! Either way im so glad! ha
20 June 2012
if u have mitochondiral disease its so hard to get on trams trains and buses!!! i mean most of them are disability friendly,,.,
except drivers!!
Now i havent been on bus for a looooooooooong time because my dad took me to appoitnments or we got a taxi or victoria my carer took me to gym or took me out to town so now this was the first time in ages that i had been on a bus since blackpool a few months ago!
Anyway we went to the docs for a swab coz we think i have an infection inside my PEG area which is making my stomach ache when i move! The nurse told us theres no way its down to the saline we didnt change n it was brown n yellowy as it can last up to 3 weeks without change! so we got the swab for the right medication!
Then we went up to the village by bus up the road n i just couldnt find the energy to get off my bloody seat on the bus!! i was at my best n energetic but i find it hard to get off low chairs etc this bus chiar wasnt low n there was a pole to help me up but i just couldnt do it! mum tried to get me up but she had a bad arm so she had trouble getting me up as it is!! with my new weight gain i was bloody heavy now lol not light like i used to be before the PEG when i was 5 stone!
The bus driver was rude n impatient to set off so we had to shout at him to stop! so we could get me up and get off!! the journey there was ok we had a ncie driver but then on the way back we had a moody one who looked like he couldnt care less about his job n wanted to go home! lol n he couldnt even wait 5 bloody mins to let me get up n get off!! even thought we pressed the bell n told him to stop! We got off eventually!
except drivers!!
Now i havent been on bus for a looooooooooong time because my dad took me to appoitnments or we got a taxi or victoria my carer took me to gym or took me out to town so now this was the first time in ages that i had been on a bus since blackpool a few months ago!
Anyway we went to the docs for a swab coz we think i have an infection inside my PEG area which is making my stomach ache when i move! The nurse told us theres no way its down to the saline we didnt change n it was brown n yellowy as it can last up to 3 weeks without change! so we got the swab for the right medication!
Then we went up to the village by bus up the road n i just couldnt find the energy to get off my bloody seat on the bus!! i was at my best n energetic but i find it hard to get off low chairs etc this bus chiar wasnt low n there was a pole to help me up but i just couldnt do it! mum tried to get me up but she had a bad arm so she had trouble getting me up as it is!! with my new weight gain i was bloody heavy now lol not light like i used to be before the PEG when i was 5 stone!
The bus driver was rude n impatient to set off so we had to shout at him to stop! so we could get me up and get off!! the journey there was ok we had a ncie driver but then on the way back we had a moody one who looked like he couldnt care less about his job n wanted to go home! lol n he couldnt even wait 5 bloody mins to let me get up n get off!! even thought we pressed the bell n told him to stop! We got off eventually!
17 June 2012
using the "mito" card...
There comes a time where u have to use your "mito" card to get what u want!! lmao
Then mum used it on 2 guys who wanted to date me but i dont like them...saying u are mkaing my daughter ill please stop pestering my daughter and her mito conditon and please stop texting her they feel guilty n go quiet
Quality laughter time with mum!!! hehe x
Then mum used it on 2 guys who wanted to date me but i dont like them...saying u are mkaing my daughter ill please stop pestering my daughter and her mito conditon and please stop texting her they feel guilty n go quiet
Quality laughter time with mum!!! hehe x
16 June 2012
dating with a disability...
WHY is it so hard for a girl of 26 nearly 27 still single because guys ant be aresed to go out with u if u have a disability?? its not like im mute or thick!?1 im quite smart and like most things like films n going out !! IM A NORMAL GIRL! whos just living her life to the full but it would be nie to have someone to share it with u know...? its so hard because over the last 27 yrs ive had ONE serious bf who was all the way from bournemouth so that was doomed from the start!! i shoulda known it wouldnt last really long distance rarely dont i know its possible but its just crap because u have to pinch time here n there n i want someone i can ese every day wake up with them etc...
im not the sorta girl who wants one night stands or a quickie here and there?? why do guys assume u do coz they think you are hot?? i went on one of my dating apps on fb yday everyone of them crashed out wnet i said i was deaf.... urgh i really gi ve up im gonna be a cat lady or a brid lady sine im planning to get a budgie lol
MESSAGE TO GUYS OUT THERE IN THE DATING WORLD! PLEASE INFORM GIRLS OF HWAT U WANT BEFORE GETTING TO KNOW THEM OR GIVING THEM UR NUMBER!!!!!!!! sick of chatting to guys we got stuf in common then .... BAM they dont want a bloody relationship they want a drunken fumble?! arghhhhhhhhh seriouisly grow up guys!
im not the sorta girl who wants one night stands or a quickie here and there?? why do guys assume u do coz they think you are hot?? i went on one of my dating apps on fb yday everyone of them crashed out wnet i said i was deaf.... urgh i really gi ve up im gonna be a cat lady or a brid lady sine im planning to get a budgie lol
MESSAGE TO GUYS OUT THERE IN THE DATING WORLD! PLEASE INFORM GIRLS OF HWAT U WANT BEFORE GETTING TO KNOW THEM OR GIVING THEM UR NUMBER!!!!!!!! sick of chatting to guys we got stuf in common then .... BAM they dont want a bloody relationship they want a drunken fumble?! arghhhhhhhhh seriouisly grow up guys!
15 June 2012
11 June 2012
9 June 2012
newcastle op update..
hello all here is my update for u from newcastle!! we went on a few days up north first before the hospital we first went to south sheilds for a bit of beach holiday sea air!! my dad won a mario teddy on the grabbers! lol
we had a walk around the beach area and the fairground but it was very chilly wind and little sun shining trhough clouds we were lucky for it not to rain! The sea air certainly did us good as we were out for the count!
We then went on to south shields on Thurs which was a bit sunnier we went for a walk around the beach in some amusments etc as u do! mum won £5 on naughts and crosses! ha !
It was a bit chilly so we decided to go in a pub where it was cosy n warm and watch the French open tennis! nadal was playing he always wins urgh pretty boy lol
We got back to our premier inn just outside witley bay and I discovered a candy floss maker!!!!!! i was in heaven!! all u can eat and candy floss for a £1!!!

it was a fun days away exploring these holiday towns witly bay n south sheilds then we had to get to new newcastle to get down to business!! We got up at 8 am yawwwwwn then we made it to hospital for 9 am and i was in theatre by 10am!
In theatre afte sticking a few locals in my brow he managed to get he stitch that was causing my cysts! so i have no need for another operation to reput the brow suspension in!! yippee!
he then put 6 dissolvable stitches n and stuck a tight firm patch on me as u can see from the photos! he said it was all fine and we were to come back in 6 weeks for a check up! In and out in the space of an hr which is pretty good for Newcastle! The nurse plonked me on a seat to recover and gave me a cup of tea which was bliss coz i hadnt had a lot to eat apart from a sip of tea and some wheat bix as we were in a rush to get to RVI!Anyway thats all done and dusted for another 6 weeks! and glad that ugly zit of a cyst has gone! il have a nifty tiny scar hehe!
we had a walk around the beach area and the fairground but it was very chilly wind and little sun shining trhough clouds we were lucky for it not to rain! The sea air certainly did us good as we were out for the count!
It was a bit chilly so we decided to go in a pub where it was cosy n warm and watch the French open tennis! nadal was playing he always wins urgh pretty boy lol
We got back to our premier inn just outside witley bay and I discovered a candy floss maker!!!!!! i was in heaven!! all u can eat and candy floss for a £1!!!
it was a fun days away exploring these holiday towns witly bay n south sheilds then we had to get to new newcastle to get down to business!! We got up at 8 am yawwwwwn then we made it to hospital for 9 am and i was in theatre by 10am!
In theatre afte sticking a few locals in my brow he managed to get he stitch that was causing my cysts! so i have no need for another operation to reput the brow suspension in!! yippee!
We had enough time to get our meds and get the hell outa there by 12pm so we popped in on my nana which is where we saw lil baby evie :D i got evie cuddles i wanted to take her homee! ha
3 June 2012
hot weather..... scorcher....
wow what hot weather we having at the moment 10 yrs ago i would have been great with the heat coz i was skinny n loved the warmth now ive put on weight im a bit wiped out and sweaty from just stiting in the sun for half an hour!!!
When i was 5st that was nowt i could spend 2 hrs in the sun n not break a sweat! now im a 10 st healthy weight and should be this weight the heat seems to get to me more i over heat and sweat like mad so i have to keep drinking n putting protection n wearing airy clothes to keep cool!
Michelle my new carer came at 11am we went around brighouse trying to find the craft shop ive been to in the past for about an hr then we gave up n went back to town for some shopping
i bought some toggles for my bags im gonn amake from my knitted quares but mum thinks i should make a blanket out of them and give it to charity waht do u think??
do i do a blanket which is what i orginally planned or do i do bags lots of them out of the squares ive got! lol who knows although the last one i did last quite a whitle did it got tatty n holes in it n we had to throw it away!
When i was 5st that was nowt i could spend 2 hrs in the sun n not break a sweat! now im a 10 st healthy weight and should be this weight the heat seems to get to me more i over heat and sweat like mad so i have to keep drinking n putting protection n wearing airy clothes to keep cool!
Michelle my new carer came at 11am we went around brighouse trying to find the craft shop ive been to in the past for about an hr then we gave up n went back to town for some shopping
i bought some toggles for my bags im gonn amake from my knitted quares but mum thinks i should make a blanket out of them and give it to charity waht do u think??
do i do a blanket which is what i orginally planned or do i do bags lots of them out of the squares ive got! lol who knows although the last one i did last quite a whitle did it got tatty n holes in it n we had to throw it away!
2 June 2012
RIP uncle dave
We travelled to retford to give my uncle dave a good send off!! it is so sad that he had to pass away with dignity when he was just 62 4days after his birthday..
he had liver cancer he was diagnosed only a few weeks ago and he was told there was nothing they could do so he was to get his affairs in order.
We saw him a week before he passed away he was sat up in bed watching the moter racing on his tv bless him he was the cheerful chappy he always was and was laughing and joking
its sd that he caught a chest infection n his lungs were full of fluid but they thought it wasnt worth draining since he was so close to death :( they could only make him comffortable and he passed away last sunday we went to his funeral at his local church in retford where his daughter and step son gave a lovley speech about him it was so heartbreaking for them and for all who knew the family
u will never be forgoten DAVE RIP
At the wake at the Reindeer pub i was so exhuasted and tired at the prospect of getting up early and not having enough sleep that i tripped over a TINY step yep i did in front of everyone!!! but who cares they all knew me from a baby etc so they know exactly what ive been through which is a comfort i guess! Got a huge bump on my knee now! lol
Also had trouble getting in the taxi coz they had a huge step up but instead of going forward and ppl hurting my arm giveing me chinese burns!! i decided to go in backwards
and lift myself up on the seat which was easier :) thank god for family friends eh haha
We went to the hotel pub for a while after the wake and we didnt get to bed til about half 11 by then my parents and brother were drunk as stunks lol and mum almost fell in a bush coz she was all over the place! think i was the only sober one there to be honest lmao but someones gotta make sure they get to bed!!
Awoken at 12 pm still tired couldnt sleep in the car so played bejewlled on my brothers ipad while he was alseep throught the journey nursing a hang over when weill he ever learn? haha
anyway i was just glad to get home and get my pjs on and have a night in front of saturday night tv!! hopefully il be less tired tomrw
he had liver cancer he was diagnosed only a few weeks ago and he was told there was nothing they could do so he was to get his affairs in order.
We saw him a week before he passed away he was sat up in bed watching the moter racing on his tv bless him he was the cheerful chappy he always was and was laughing and joking
its sd that he caught a chest infection n his lungs were full of fluid but they thought it wasnt worth draining since he was so close to death :( they could only make him comffortable and he passed away last sunday we went to his funeral at his local church in retford where his daughter and step son gave a lovley speech about him it was so heartbreaking for them and for all who knew the family
u will never be forgoten DAVE RIP

Also had trouble getting in the taxi coz they had a huge step up but instead of going forward and ppl hurting my arm giveing me chinese burns!! i decided to go in backwards
and lift myself up on the seat which was easier :) thank god for family friends eh haha
We went to the hotel pub for a while after the wake and we didnt get to bed til about half 11 by then my parents and brother were drunk as stunks lol and mum almost fell in a bush coz she was all over the place! think i was the only sober one there to be honest lmao but someones gotta make sure they get to bed!!
Awoken at 12 pm still tired couldnt sleep in the car so played bejewlled on my brothers ipad while he was alseep throught the journey nursing a hang over when weill he ever learn? haha
anyway i was just glad to get home and get my pjs on and have a night in front of saturday night tv!! hopefully il be less tired tomrw
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