My eyes seem to be getting there now. the right is fully healed but the left still has some tiny stitches that are refusing to budge and dissolve! They arent sore or anything but wondering why its taking so long for them to come out. Even the local nurse didnt want to attempt to take them out!
Last night i was awake half the night with a very sore chest after all the coughing ive been doing, it was so bad it felt like heartburn and didnt go til the monring when i had some paracetamol but at least i had some sleep.
im not sure how im feeling about how the eyes look so far. yes they are open and im seeing ok (although still closing one eye to focus) theres not any double vision unless im tired and they tend to get achey easily.
i havet had open eyes since i was a kid, even when i was a teen i never really noticed that my eyelids were over my pupils til a doctor pointed it all out at 18. im not too bothered about how they look anyway. the op was required to keep them open rather than make them look better but im happy with them anyway, i can see. i can hear (with the ci) and am happy.