2 weeks , lots of sleep, feeds every night and a presciption of antibiotics and im over my cold! i was feeling pretty crappy and couldnt be bothered to do anything and ive hauled my ass out of bed to do some crafts, washing and chill out. i had a week of feeling very heavy on the chest and strugling to get any kinda air up my nose! (despite using a sniffer) but with the help of some vapour rub under my nose i was finally able to sleep after 3 days of being awake coughing and spluttering! Ive almost finsihed my antibioitcs and im still feeling tired from it all but feeling much better than i did! :) Having the feed on every night helped me too because I hardly ate while i had the cold as the coughing took its toll on my swallowing.. so only after a week of feeds eating nothing i started off eating yogurts and jelly to go down easy and get my swallowing stronger.
only bad news is my mums now caught the cold aw...
it hasnt been much of a summer with all the rain so the cold has been a factor with me and ive had to stay wrapped up nice and warm!