I am getting on well with physio and life itself muscles are getting stronger and still going to gym for physio and im also going for 0 min walks with dad to the postbox
prof turnbull is keeping an eye on me as he was worried about my pneumonia but i am feeling much better than i was less breathless than i was i am going to a sleep clinic in newcastle in march and mums still worried about my brain and my meds!
i am keeping busy by doing 5 mins breathing between watching tv
i am also looking forward to doing my stitches that i bought at the craft fair lots to do!
i am in touch with dave from ci group on facebook seeing if we can do a `0th anniversary of family meet up when we first met in Huddersfield
ALSO going to the lily foundation family meet up with susan warnock and faye wiley will be good to see them all again i had fun last year despite catching a cold but this time will be spring we can chill outside as well!
the group is going well too and im going to start a nail art group with pics of nail art!
thats all for now